Beauty and Sexy tips

A girl, livin' large, shares her 'wisdom' with the rest of the world. In short: having fun and trying out something new...

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Really fast diet?

In this post we present you with the ultimate secret… a fast diet on which you can loose a whole kilogram in just 24 hours.

Did you ever have an important meeting, date you were looking forward to or a wedding of a relative you hate and simply had to look the best you can? And that suit/jeans/dress would look so much better if you had only a couple of pounds less? We hate dieting as any other gals do, but sometime it’s just necessary

A 24 hour plan to loose 1 kilogram!

When you wake up, two hours before breakfast, drink: juice of one lemon mixed with a teaspoon of apple vinegar, pinch of salt and some mineral water (this will tell your body to start burning fat). One hour before breakfast you can have some cucumber salad, slightly seasoned, or some watermelon.

Don’t skip breakfast, but be careful how much fat you eat. Try integral muesli, yogurt, low-fat milk and cheese or some vegetables. Don’t eat any sugar! After breakfast drink a cup of green tea.

Eat a green apple before lunch. Follow with meat prepared with no fat, apple vinegar seasoned salad, fruit and vegetables.

For dinner eat a yogurt with some fruit. Bathe in hot water in which you put 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Before going to sleep have a drink of lemon juice, a teaspoon of honey and some mineral water mixed together.

During the day you should drink at least 2 litres of water and have a 20 minute walk or some other exercise. Avoid fat and carbohydrates.

Let us know if it worked!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Essential face care

If you smoke, wear heavy make-up everyday, drink, party, starve and are often under stress (I know I do it all), you have found a recipe for a disastrous face complexion.

First of all you have to learn how to thoroughly cleanse and moisturise your face. Here are some easy to do steps to a perfect complexion.

1. Pull up your hair and fasten it.

2. Use soap and lukewarm water to wash your hands (don’t forget the nails!)

3. Make some gentle soap foam in your palm and apply it to your face, avoiding eye area. Rinse thoroughly.

4. Open face pores with camomile steam. You can use natural oils and hot water if you like.

5. Apply peeing to still moist skin, let it soften the skin for 2 or 3 minutes afterwards massage the face in circular motion, paying special attention to nose and chin area. Rinse.

6. Now that your skin is clean the moisturising ingredients of masques can penetrate deep. Use some home-made, and rinse after 10 minutes.

7. Apply a rich amount of moisturising cream.

Home made beauty goodies even I can make

Pineapple/papaya peeling

one cup fresh pineapple, half-a-cup fresh papaya, two tablespoons honey

Puree pineapple and papaya in a blender, add honey and mix thoroughly. Wash your face and then apply the mixture to your skin, avoiding the eye area. Leave on for no more than 5 minutes, rinse with cool water. Don't use more than once a week. Note: when using this peel for the first time, keep for only 1-2 minutes to make sure there is no skin irritation.

Why it works: Pineapple contains bromelain and papaya contains papain. Both are proteases, natural enzymes that can break up proteins. When applied to the skin in small amounts, these enzymes help gently remove dead cells from skin surface producing mild peeling effect. Honey is added to increase moisturizing effect of the treatment.

Yogurt/oatmeal masque

two tablespoons plain yogurt, one tablespoon oatmeal, one tablespoon honey

Mix ingredients together to form a paste. Wash your face. Massage face with the paste in a circular motion. Keep on for a minute or two then rinse off

Why it works: Yogurt contains lactic acid (an alpha-hydroxy acid) and a number of nutrients that may mildly stimulate collagen production in the skin. Oatmeal and honey act as moisturizers. It works as a natural face-lifting if you let the first layer dry completely and then apply another layer on top of it. Rinse when it dries.

Yogurt/aloe healing masque

half-a-cup plain yogurt, two tablespoons aloe gel (or a fresh aloe leaf)

Simply mix ingredients together to form a paste. (Aloe gel can be purchased in a health food store. Alternatively, you can take a fresh aloe leaf, remove the skin and mash the pulp.) Wash your face. Massage face with the paste in a circular motion. Keep on for a minute or two then rinse off.

Why it works: Yogurt contains lactic acid (an alpha-hydroxy acid) and a number of nutrients that mildly stimulate collagen production in the skin. Aloe is a good moisturizer, and contains anti-inflammatory substances. This masque is good for irritated, sensitive skin.

How to deal with the blues

Every once in a while I get the blues. Not a serious depression, I’ll get to that in a few posts, but simply rainy, blue feeling. I know you do to gals, so let’s deal with it together.

One of the things I like the most is taking a warm bath with some aroma-therapy bubbles. I light some candles and play music. Usually classical music, but listen to whatever feels right. If you feel like crying, do it, but let it cleanse you.

Relax and try meditating. Not in that yoga, asana, whatever way, but in the simplest (and most efficient) one: concentrate on the sound of your breathing. Take deep breaths and for at least 10 minutes let your mind relax as well.

When you're done with bathing, pamper your body with some luscious moisturiser, gently comb your hair and put on comfortable clothes.

Sometimes I feel like catching some fresh air instead, so I go for a walk and recharge my batteries. You’d be surprised how many beautiful things you’ll see, when you’re not in a hurry and don’t have a chore to do. It also helps to look at water, so go to a lake or a river and just watch the waves.

You should try to think about all the good things in your life. Don’t think about tomorrow, rather what you have today. And there are a lot of things to be happy about I’m sure.

It’s time to go home. You can take out some chocolate/chocolate ice-cream/cake and watch a romantic movie, with a happy ending of course. Or you can ring that special someone and ask him to come over and cuddle. Maybe some foot massage would be nice…

The whole point for this post was to let all of you know it’s okay to have the blues. Even if you don’t know what made you feel that way, don’t let anybody tell you it’s not ok. Girls have the right to be sad and blue sometime, it’s usually a sign our body gives us to slow down, just for a moment. So embrace it as the time to put everything aside and concentrate on relaxing and pampering your body, stimulating your soul.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Deodorants, antiperspirants or something else?

As much I would like, I can’t stop sweating. Not all the time, but when I’m stressed, hot or tense. The only solution against strange odour is using deodorant. But which one? Do you believe in the power of deodorants and antiperspirants? I don't. Just the opposite, I hate the stuff and really can’t help myself. Here are some of my experiences and tips for you gals out there.

At first I tried using liquid deodorants which left a sticky trace on my skin and a horrible feeling of uneasiness. Furthermore, most of those deodorants contain a large percentage of alcohol and irritate the skin. Great – for getting allergies where you need them least.

Then I tried deo-sticks, but they left me with large white stains on my clothes. Who wants that?

As a true believer in black clothes I tried colourless gels, and ended up with greasy stains instead of white ones… To the beginning again. Different approach.

Antiperespirants. Most of them leave a powdery essence that sticks to my armpits. It would be more useful to use baby powder. Deodorants for men? Yes, I thought, if they stop their sweat from smelling, they should help me. But it was too extreme and even painful.

The only trick that helps me is removing hairs regulary, using generous amounts of soap (degreases the skin and lets it breathe) and only before I go out a mild, scentless antiperspirant. As a good friend I should tell you that antiperspirants close and block pores with powerful astringents such as aluminum salts so that they can’t release sweat. (Note that aluminum can accumulate in the brain.) Therefore it’s very important to use it only when you absolutely must.

At the end, I present you with a trick I found in an old magazine. Baking soda. Just put some on a damp towel and pat your armpits. Wait for it to dry and that’s it. Worked for me, it didn’t stop me sweating but it prevented the sweat smelling.

Nail care and how to do it (properly!)

beautifull nails
This guide will give you the basic directions for nail care. First of all, the accessories needed: Nail scissors, small tray (about the size of a soap dish), gentle dishwashing detergent or other skin softening, bubbly liquid, hand towels, moisturizer or hand lotion with Aloe Vera, Cocoa Butter or similar ingredient to condition skin, clear base coat nail polish, colour nail polish, top coat nail polish and cotton swabs.
1. Fill tray with warm water and sudsy liquid (the trick is to add water at just the right temperature so it will soften skin without being too hot to the touch). Place one hand in tray and let it soak for several minutes. Pat dry and repeat with other hand. When finished, apply some lotion.pampering first
2. Carefully begin trimming cuticles that form around the edges of the nail itself (Pay close attention to what you're doing, so you don't cut too close and end up causing skin to bleed. If you take your time and trim slowly with tiny strokes, you should be fine.)do the cuticules
3. When you have completed trimming cuticles on both hands, you should make sure all loose skin is removed from nail area. Begin to polish nails with clear base coat by applying a thin layer as smoothly and carefully as possible. Try to keep polish on nails only. If you accidentally apply too much or get extra polish on skin around nails, use a cotton swab dipped lightly in nail polish remover to correct your mistake.base coat a must
4. After applying base coat to both hands, choose polish colour and repeat previous procedure beginning with the same hand you started with last time. Follow guidelines described above to produce best results.don't overdue on polish
5. The next application will be a top coat to create a seal or protection for colored polish. Repeat previous steps to ensure success in this process. Remember less is better when it comes to nail polish. Thick layers lead to messy results.great looking and long lasting
6. touch nothing and wait for at least five minutes to creating lasting results that will make your manicured nails look their best. 
Is base coat and top coat necessary? Hell yes. That is, if you want to have long lasting, smudge proof manicure. Try it and let us know.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

What about that sexy feeling?

(part one)

Thinking about sex today I suddenly remembered those ‘first times’ and how awkward they can be. You know the deal, I’m sure. After a few dates, sparkles and tingles, innocent goodnight kisses, you really want to get the guy in a sack. (Let’s face it, we like sex even more than they do!)

But stop! All these things come racing through your head…What is he going to think about you if you show lust and desire? Is he going to think you’re easy/desperate/nymphomaniac?

And what is sex going to do of you just blossoming relationship? And is he up to it?

First stop fussing. I know it’s in our nature, but stop. Think rationally. He likes you or he wouldn’t be dating you. Secondly, sex is going to happen sooner or later, so why not when you feel like it? And the most important: do you really want to be with a person that thinks you are any of things mentioned above?

So, the only question remaining is: How to give him a hint?

You could go for a safe approach: candlelit dinner at your/his place, sexy clothes, suggestive perfume and music. Get the conversation on the theme and listen what he says. Let him do the first move.

Or you could go strait to the head: when he kisses you goodnight, don’t let him stop.

From personal experience, I’d say both of these work just fine. Use the first one preferably. But I also had one tough guy, who didn’t give me any sexy signals for three months of dating; I finally went bezerk and did the number two on him. And liked it very much, I must say. Later, when I asked him why he didn’t do the first move, he said he was scared I would consider him sex-driven. GO FIGURE.

Coming up: When the night comes (part two)

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Being vain

What about wearing makeup? Some wouldn't be caught dead without going out of the house without makeup. Is that being vain or is it a self esteem issue?

Make-up is not something I wear very often. But I do when I go out of the house. Usually just a touch of colour, very natural, hiding some of disadvantages. Earlier I used to wear rather heavy make-up, a lot of mascara, blue eye-shadows, and powder, with no good reason whatsoever, and I felt constrained. Not only did I constantly have to check and repair my make up, but it became my face.

Then, I grew tired, my skin as well, and decided to try using creams, lotions, scrubs and nurture goodies. At first, I couldn’t cope with emptiness on my face, but today, I honestly believe that good moisturizer goes a long way. And, in the end, make up looks hell better on healthy skin.

Don’t get me wrong, I still want to change a lot of things on me. I too wear braces, do athletics to gain muscles, die my hair, go to the solarium and regularly get nail implants. But the simple truth is that sometimes I just need a bit of blush to look and feel great, and sometimes a whole hour of doing make-up doesn’t suffice.

But no amount of surgery or makeup can make you beautiful or give you worth unless you work on the inside first. Bigger boobs, a flatter stomach, or even a ton of makeup can't give you self-esteem alone.

When you’re feeling down, don’t overdue on make-up. Remember: Wash your face twice a day. Tone. Moisturize. Use sunscreen in the daylight hours. Repeat. That's a start.

Sometimes, I just hate those girly magazines

Everything’s fine when I feel fine. I love to watch lovely clothes, shoes, handbags, new make-up and think how to get my hands on similar goodies. But as soon as I’m in a downer, not feeling so good about myself, they tend to bring me even lower

Yeah, sure I’d like to be super slim, have soft silky skin, luscious hair and professionally manicured nails. Sometimes I even spend whole afternoons trying to make myself beautiful, give myself a look boost up, and then I open Cosmo or Marie Claire and there it goes, I suddenly realise I forgot to pamper my feet or cut toenails or…whatever. I realise in a moment how far from perfect I am.

I’ve had this ‘problem’ for ages, when it hit me: Why do I have to be perfect? Of course it’s nice to be considered a fabulous goddess, but than again, do I really need it? What is so wrong with being nice or pretty? Well, my dear sisters, it’s just not enough. I crave, as most of us do, to be the prettiest girl in the room. It makes me happy, self-confident, and yes, even prettier than I am.

What I came to understand is that I’ll never wake up looking fab, that I have to work hard on reaching my own beauty goals. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not aiming to be another Claudia Schiffer, but I am always trying my best. And it is worth it.

Not only do I feel better, but people talk to me differently when I’m dressed up, my best edition. Think about it and let me know.

Matters of heart

Here you can find all our posts about love, relationships and other heart related issues
(from September 2005 up till now – February 2006)

Face care

Here you can find all our posts on how to care for your face
(from September 2005 up till now – February 2006)

Dry skin
The importance of face care
Cover up your imperfections

Essential face care


Here you can find all our posts about nails
(from September 2005 up till now – February 2006)

Hair care

Here you can find all our posts about great hair care
(from September 2005 up till now – February 2006)

Oily hair
Long, long hair
Get rid of dandruff
Do hair treatments work?

Hair trouble

Straighten your hair!

Body and skin

Here you can find all our posts concerning body and skin care
(from September 2005 up till now – March 2006)

Get rid of cellulite
Home made cosmetics
Skin myths
Improve and revive your skin
A proper pedicure
Give your breasts a boost Everything about deodorants

Hair removal

Here you can find all our hair removal posts
(from September 2005 up till now – February 2006)

Remove unwanted hair in a trendy way
Perfect eyebrows
Everything about hair removal

Beauty tutorials – tips and tricks galore!

Here you can find all our beauty tutorials
(from September 2005 up till now – February 2006)

A complete makeover, surgery free!
Get over chapped lips
Looking great on a tight budget
Winter beauty care
Beauty mistakes
Don't do this!

Sensual, trendy lips
Get warm

Fashion, clothes, shoes, accessories

Here you can find all our posts about fashion and related stuff
(from September 2005 up till now – March 2006)

More fashion trends for spring 2006
Fashion trends 2006
Changing outfits in a flash
What to wear?

Exercise and diet

Here you can find all our posts about exercise and diet
(from September 2005 up till now – April 2006)

Low carb diet rules
Get rid of cellulite
Yoga and weight loss
Say no to liquid diets
Commonsense diet tips 1
Commonsense diet tips 2
Sabotaging your diet
Dieting and eating out
A really fast diet


Here you can find all our posts about makeup:

what are we going to post here

Silly as we are, we almost forgot to tell you
what the heck are we going to post through
this blog.

Well, first and foremost, we are going to share
all those nice little secrets that make us beautifull.
Beauty tips will range from make up, hair styling,
hair removal, nail polishing, dieting.... every single
thing we know about women (ourselves we mean),
are going to get posted eventually.

Sometimes (more often) things are going to get....
HOT. This is because women like sex, romance,
flirting... And we like to be good at things we like,
dont't we girls?

That is about it, and expect many many posts
because we are serious about beauty... and sex.

...well...this is our first post

And we are very very proud for doing this.
As we are new to blogging, it'll take us a while to get
round to it, add pictures and stuff.
But, we dont't think it'll take us long, since we are soooo