How to fight PMS?
Those days of the month are coming, and you are starting to feel tense and excessively sensitive. Some months you could rip someone’s head off, and usually you are verbally aggressive. If you’d like to change the way premenstrual syndrome (PMS) affects you, read on sisters!

Don't let your body intimidate you. The remedy is at hand’s reach; it can be as easy as nibbling on some cheese. The fact is, calcium and D vitamin rich diet can prevent PMS in women between 20 and 40 years of age. So, eat more milk, spinach, yogurt and cheese before your period.
Another thing that helps is cutting cigarettes and coffee. Caffeine can enhance PMS, raising levels of anxiety, insomnia, nervousness and irritability. Lowering the number of coffees you drink can bring instant relief.
Nicotine is even worse when PMS is concerned, so think about quitting if you have really bad symptoms. Drinking alcohol is an unwise decision too, because alcohol drains B vitamin from body, messes carbs metabolism up and burdens the liver.
Do your breasts and tummy swell when expecting the period? Do you suffer from headaches? Fluid retention is primarily caused by too salty food, so try lowering your salt intake. Your body will remain normal and you won’t have headaches, as brain cells retain water too.
Don’t overdue on chocolate and sweets. Better choices are complex carbohydrates, such as integral cereals, pulse, fresh fruit and vegetables.
If all of this doesn’t help, consult your doctor, and find out which options are available except drinking pills. It may be acupuncture, massage or even naturally hormone-enriched foods.
Also, try this out if you get heavy cramps: put your palm on the inner
part of your leg just above the ankle. The point above your hand is the one to press, like on pictures. The method is: press for 6 seconds, then release for two, press again and repeat for 5 minutes. Do the same with the other leg. Acupressure experts say that this massage enhances blood flow to uterus, and therefore relieves from pain.
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