What about that sexy feeling?

(part one)
Thinking about sex today I suddenly remembered those ‘first times’ and how awkward they can be. You know the deal, I’m sure. After a few dates, sparkles and tingles, innocent goodnight kisses, you really want to get the guy in a sack. (Let’s face it, we like sex even more than they do!)
But stop! All these things come racing through your head…What is he going to think about you if you show lust and desire? Is he going to think you’re easy/desperate/nymphomaniac?
And what is sex going to do of you just blossoming relationship? And is he up to it?
First stop fussing. I know it’s in our nature, but stop. Think rationally. He likes you or he wouldn’t be dating you. Secondly, sex is going to happen sooner or later, so why not when you feel like it? And the most important: do you really want to be with a person that thinks you are any of things mentioned above?
So, the only question remaining is: How to give him a hint?
You could go for a safe approach: candlelit dinner at your/his place, sexy clothes, suggestive perfume and music. Get the conversation on the theme and listen what he says. Let him do the first move.
Or you could go strait to the head: when he kisses you goodnight, don’t let him stop.
From personal experience, I’d say both of these work just fine. Use the first one preferably. But I also had one tough guy, who didn’t give me any sexy signals for three months of dating; I finally went bezerk and did the number two on him. And liked it very much, I must say. Later, when I asked him why he didn’t do the first move, he said he was scared I would consider him sex-driven. GO FIGURE.
Coming up: When the night comes (part two)
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