Beauty and Sexy tips

A girl, livin' large, shares her 'wisdom' with the rest of the world. In short: having fun and trying out something new...

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Hide things you don’t want to be seen

Let’s face it; we all need to hide certain…unflattering…things on our face. Pimples, capillaries, scars, dark or light spots, puffy eyes, hickeys, you name it. In this post we tell you how to do it properly. Learn these tips and make your life easier once and for all.

Even women with perfect complexion get pimples, blemishes and zits sometime, often before and during period. There’s nothing worse than a big red pimple on your nose or forehead. The trick is to use a concealer that matches your skin colour perfectly. Most women use very light concealers and just highlight the pimple. Put some concealer on your fingertip and pat the pimple and surrounding skin. Follow with loose powder. Put the rest of the makeup on as usual, but avoid the pimple area.

Dark circles around your eyes are probably a result of a night out that lasted till the morning, but it was worth it. The only thing that covers and hides dark circles is yellow-gold concealer, which is a much better solution than using light concealer because it counters the blue-grey colour around the eyes. Put some on your finger and pat gently on the areas you want to hide. Don’t put it only under your eyes, the inner corner of the eye as well as upper part of eye is supposed to be covered too. Seal with loose powder. Putting heavy make up afterwards on our eyes is a strict no-no, because you don’t want to draw attention. Use transparent mascara if you must, and some white shimmering eye pencil.

Puffy eyes make you look fat and unattractive. The best cure is to sit down with thick, cold slices of fresh cucumber on your eyes for 15 minutes (the trick is to put the cucumber in the deep freeze for 10-15 minutes and then use it). Afterwards, apply concealer all around your eyes (all the rules described earlier apply here). Set with loose powder. The next thing to do is to draw attention from under-eye puffiness to your upper lids. Use a dark eye pencil, some eyeshadow and mascara only on your upper eyelids. You can use the curler too if you want. Makeup artists give us one more tip: apply a light touch of blush under your eyes (on the puffs!) when you’re done with makeup.

Last but not least when it comes to us hot girls is hiding hickeys, traces of a passionate night. Instead of wearing a scarf, go to the chemists and buy some Heparin cream or gel. It’ll break the haematoma and help the surrounding tissue absorb it much quicker. You should apply it 3-4 times a day. Meanwhile, if you’re going to work, try this: apply some lighter concealer (neck is always fairer than our face skin) and set with loose powder.

That's it, hope it helped!


At 2:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pls tell me how to take care of the skin near bikni area


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