How to deal with the blues
Every once in a while I get the blues. Not a serious depression, I’ll get to that in a few posts, but simply rainy, blue feeling. I know you do to gals, so let’s deal with it together.

One of the things I like the most is taking a warm bath with some aroma-therapy bubbles. I light some candles and play music. Usually classical music, but listen to whatever feels right. If you feel like crying, do it, but let it cleanse you.
Relax and try meditating. Not in that yoga, asana, whatever way, but in the simplest (and most efficient) one: concentrate on the sound of your breathing. Take deep breaths and for at least 10 minutes let your mind relax as well.
When you're done with bathing, pamper your body with some luscious moisturiser, gently comb your hair and put on comfortable clothes.
Sometimes I feel like catching some fresh air instead, so I go for a walk and recharge my batteries. You’d be surprised how many beautiful things you’ll see, when you’re not in a hurry and don’t have a chore to do. It also helps to look at water, so go to a lake or a river and just watch the waves.
You should try to think about all the good things in your life. Don’t think about tomorrow, rather what you have today. And there are a lot of things to be happy about I’m sure.
It’s time to go home. You can take out some chocolate/chocolate ice-cream/cake and watch a romantic movie, with a happy ending of course. Or you can ring that special someone and ask him to come over and cuddle. Maybe some foot massage would be nice…
The whole point for this post was to let all of you know it’s okay to have the blues. Even if you don’t know what made you feel that way, don’t let anybody tell you it’s not ok. Girls have the right to be sad and blue sometime, it’s usually a sign our body gives us to slow down, just for a moment. So embrace it as the time to put everything aside and concentrate on relaxing and pampering your body, stimulating your soul.
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