Deodorants, antiperspirants or something else?
As much I would like, I can’t stop sweating. Not all the time, but when I’m stressed, hot or tense. The only solution against strange odour is using deodorant. But which one? Do you believe in the power of deodorants and antiperspirants? I don't. Just the opposite, I hate the stuff and really can’t help myself. Here are some of my experiences and tips for you gals out there.

Then I tried deo-sticks, but they left me with large white stains on my clothes. Who wants that?
As a true believer in black clothes I tried colourless gels, and ended up with greasy stains instead of white ones… To the beginning again. Different approach.
Antiperespirants. Most of them leave a powdery essence that sticks to my armpits. It would be more useful to use baby powder. Deodorants for men? Yes, I thought, if they stop their sweat from smelling, they should help me. But it was too extreme and even painful.
The only trick that helps me is removing hairs regulary, using generous amounts of soap (degreases the skin and lets it breathe) and only before I go out a mild, scentless antiperspirant. As a good friend I should tell you that antiperspirants close and block pores with powerful astringents such as aluminum salts so that they can’t release sweat. (Note that aluminum can accumulate in the brain.) Therefore it’s very important to use it only when you absolutely must.
At the end, I present you with a trick I found in an old magazine. Baking soda. Just put some on a damp towel and pat your armpits. Wait for it to dry and that’s it. Worked for me, it didn’t stop me sweating but it prevented the sweat smelling.
Hey girls, just read your blog on deodorants and reckon you can use this recipe --- best part is its totally natural and you can tailor the smell to your personal taste (and not have to smell like every other body out there!!)
Enjoy, let me know how you get on. I use this daily and its a godsend.
Homemade Solid Perfume
Most perfumes are made from alcohol, and they evaporate quickly. Jackie French's recipe for solid perfume is a combination of essential oils and beeswax, and so the fragrance lingers for hours.
1 tbsp beeswax
3 tbsp almond oil
3 tsp essential oils (Jackie likes a teaspoon each of rose, oak moss and lavender oil; I like lemon, lime & bergamot!)
1. Place the beeswax and almond oil in a saucepan and heat slowly until the wax has just melted. Take off the heat at once.
2. Stir in the essential oils. Mix together well.
3. Pour into a small, wide-mouthed jar. Allow to set.
To use: Apply a small amount behind the ears or on other pulse points on the body, such as the neck and wrists. As this perfume contains oil it can stain fabrics, although it won't once it's rubbed into your skin.
Homemade Deodorant
The ancient Egyptians had what was possibly the world's first underarm deodorant. Apparently they just picked a lettuce going to seed and rubbed the juice from the stem on to their armpits. It sort-of works. It's also sticky, it can give you an awful rash and it tends to stain your clothes! So forget the lettuce going to seed, and try this recipe for homemade deodorant. It smells good, and it really does work!
3 tablespoons of almond oil
3 drops of lavender oil
3 drops of rosemary oil
3 drops of lemongrass oil
1 tablespoon of beeswax
1. Heat the beeswax with the almond oil on a low heat. Stir well.
2. As soon as the beeswax is melted take it off the heat and add the other oils.
3. Pour the mixture into a pre-heated jar placed either on wood or several layers of newspaper, and allow to cool.
To use: Scoop out a very small amount with the fingertips and rub under the arms.
Warning: Hot wax and oil can burn - keep out of the reach of children and clumsy adults. ;-)
Further information
Beeswax is available at craft stores, some health-food stores and online. (Online is cheapest by far.)
Almond oil can be found at health-food stores, some chemists and supermarkets.
Essential oils (please make sure they are essential oils, NOT fragrant oils!) will vary widely in price/volume and quality. Shop and sniff around! Only a few drops are needed for the underarm deodorant, but you can use the oils for other purposes.
As with any products used on the skin, it's a good idea to first test this product on a small area of sensitive skin to make sure there's no adverse reaction.
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