Pamper your feet!
A good thing to do before winter is to pay attention to your feet. They’ll be spending more and more time in tight shoes and boots, hardly getting any air. Plus, you can get severe ingrown nails, blisters and all kinds of feet problems when you don’t maintain your feet and soles. Harsh and damaged skin on your feet and soles can ruin your nylons and stockings too.
Giving your feet a proper pedicure can be a lifesaver. The best way to do it, of course, is to visit a beautician or a salon, but those can be pricy. If you have the money then put your feet in professional hands at least once a month. But if you’re short of cash (or on a limited budget) twice a year should suffice (best before summer and before winter). In the meantime you can pedicure your feet yourself, at home!

Soak your feet in warm water for at least 10 to 15 minutes. Use milk instead of water if you want to treat your feet to the fullest. Just warm up some milk and put your feet in.
Get rid of hard skin
Pat your feet with a towel, but let them a bit moist. Use a pumice stone or a foot file to get rid of hard skin on your heels and toes. Rinse often and don’t be too harsh. Better take off thin layers at time.
Cut nails
Dry your feet properly. Cut your nails in a straight line. Use a file to get the shape you want and to remove any sharp edges. Use a polish remover to get rid of old nail polish.
Apply a generous amount of cream. Massage your feet while the skin is absorbing the cream. Put some cuticle oil on and gently push up your cuticles.
Nail polish
Wipe your nails, even though the cream is completely absorbed. If any cream is left on your nails polish won’t dry or stick to your toenails. Put on a base coat, splurge some polish and top with topcoat. Remember, it takes about 7 to 10 minutes for the polish to dry thoroughly. If you don’t want to put nail polish on, buff your nails to make them shine.
You should do this routine at least once a month.
In the meantime
In time between your pedicures, don’t forget your feet. Every day, after showering or bathing, (be sure to dry your feet thoroughly) treat your feet with a fair amount of cream. The best way to do it is when you’re already in bed. If the cream absorbs slowly, put on a pair of cotton socks. Your feet will appreciate creams with peppermint or tea-tree.
A good idea to make your next pedicure easier is to use foot scrub or a peeling once a week. It’ll get rid of dead skin cells and hardskin will form slower.
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