Complexes and how to get rid of them
You’re not perfect. So what?
None of us is perfect. There is no such thing as a perfect looking girl. No one has perfect hair, skin, butt, legs or breasts, all combined in one convenient package. And, instead of buying tons of makeup, expensive cosmetics, anti-cellulite creams, or working out stiff, we suggest to all of you: get over it.
We girls are experts in growing complexes. We can convince ourselves we have big behinds, fat arms or grouse hair. And that’s just our bodies. Many women also think they are stupid, or less intelligent than men they are with. Most women are uncomfortable in groups and when they have to express their opinion. And no matter how enlightened we are, we still introduce ourselves with a question mark following.

Here are some usual women complexes, and ways to deal with them:
I’m fat
This is the no 1 complex women in developed countries have. Although it’s not a surprising, considering TV, magazine and billboard bombing us with diet programs and images of beautiful, slim and young bodies, suggesting we all should look like that.
Wait a minute, won’t you! Models from magazines and actresses in movies don’t have anything to do with the real world. They are paid to look like that; many of them are dangerously malnourished just because it’s their job. And, if they gain a pound or two, get a pimple or have ingrown hairs, they have hordes of expert beauticians, fashion advisors and private coaches at their disposal.
Here’s the fun part of being ‘normal’. People will notice Julia Roberts gained 8 pounds, but they won’t give a damn if you do! No one, except yourself, expects you to be perfect. You’ll be much happier to except your body and your looks. This doesn’t mean to give up exercising or skin care, but be reasonable.
I have a big behind
Do you think you have a big butt? Do you spend hours in front of a mirror, trying out clothes and observing how your butt looks in it? Do you wish your butt fat could magically transform into larger tits?
It’s time you stop spending so much time in front of a mirror and start doing exercises for your behind. You can tone it up, add more muscle and by treating it to some good hydrating lotion make your skin like babies. But, you can’t make it much smaller, so get used to it. Better to have a butt than not to have it.
In fact, if you think you have a big behind, put on some really tight jeans, and go for a walk. Look how many men will turn their heads to look at it and be proud. Yes, big bums are sexy!
He thinks I’m stupid
Do you often feel you perfectly succeed in making a fool out of yourself? Do you have problems approaching people, going out with cute guys, just because you think you’re stupid? Do you stay silent even if you have an opinion on a subject?
Yes, you are being stupid, but just because of acting so frightened. If a man likes you, it’s not just because of your looks. You should start building up self-confidence fast. A good way to do it is to talk to a new person everyday, reading newspapers (so you’ll know what’s going on), and watching the news.
Besides, you should never think you are stupider than the man you’re with. Don’t forget, you probably know 10 times more things than he does (it’s a scientific fact that women end their education with more knowledge than men). Also, when you are introducing yourself, look the person in the eye, and say your name loud and clear.
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