Beauty and Sexy tips

A girl, livin' large, shares her 'wisdom' with the rest of the world. In short: having fun and trying out something new...

Monday, October 03, 2005

Dressing up 1-2-3

Every and each day women all over the world have the same problem: what to wear? We present you with a thorough tutorial on how to bypass the getting-dressed nightmare, with our usual handful of tips and tricks.

Ever spent half an hour pondering in front of a full closet what the hell are you going to wear? And maybe, just maybe, had to makeup in hurry, or did you even get late because of clothes? It’s like our minds go completely blank when we have to dress in less time than usual.

The simplest thing you can do to solve this problem is to think one day in advance. We all know exactly what we have in our wardrobes, so it’s not necessary to stand in front of it. Do what I do: when I lie down to sleep the last thing I do is to put together the clothes combination I’m going to wear tomorrow.

I locate in my mind every piece of my outfit; think about clothes, underwear, shoes, coat, handbag, nylons and other accessories, sometime even makup I want to wear. And when I wake up in the morning, I’m ready to get dressed without stress.

This method is great if you only go to work or school, but what if you’re on a tight schedule and often unexpected things like dinner invitations, presentations or work meetings occur?

The magic word is – prepare. Take one afternoon to do it and be free for the rest of days. The idea is to think up a perfect outfit for each occasion and put it together on a hanger in your wardrobe. Complete with shoes, handbag and stockings. You’ll need about six combinations: business, formal dinner, sport, date, night out and casual. Include whatever category you wish (sexy, work lunch, travel etc.), you can make more than one combination per category as well.

These will be your lifesavers so treat them like that. Dry clean or wash regularly and don’t mess them up. If you take it apart, for example you want to wear ‘business outfit’ shoes but not the rest of the clothes, put them back the minute you come home.

Plus, always have extra underwear ‘still unpacked’ as well as plenty of stockings.

Hope this helped you!


At 3:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 1:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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