New beauty trends
Stay in with your makeup and style this winter
Every time has its fashion and beauty musts. For some of them (heavy foundation, bleeched hair, vamp eyes, dark lip liner and pale lipstick…) we are glad they are over, and for some we are going to grieve till they come back. Anyhow, whatever season it is in fashion world, every woman should be well informed and ready, prepared for the fast changing beauty musts.

Bronzers galore
It seems this winter no one is going to wear the pale looking skin. Bronzers, self-tanning lotions and sprays are becoming permanent items in cosmetic lines. Guess the stylists have figured out that lightly tanned skin is so much easier to makeup, and looks 100 percent more radiant and healthy. If you are sceptic about self-tanning lotions, or just can’t put them on properly, use one of many body lotions that contain mild pigment activating formulas. Or, apply sun to your face only: Makeup as usual, instead of a blush use a bronzer. Cheek bones, some to the chin and some to the forehead, and you’re ready to impress.
Natural looking hair
Loose, unstyled and wavy are the looks to go for. This could be a bit more difficult to achieve than it sounds, so get a nice, easy to maintain haircut. Layered if you have wavy hair, straight hair looks good with no bangs. Hair styling is much more feminine this season, so no harsh finish (sprays, gels…) are allowed. Just wash your hair, spray on a leave in conditioner and let it dry naturally. One other thing, showing roots is in (but not really if you’re originally very dark haired and have bleached your hair, then you’re stuck with it). Famous hair stylists suggest highlights, in warm, sunny colours.
Sensual, full lips
Dark lipsticks are definitely out. Use bright colours, or go bare, with a fair amount of lip-gloss. If your lips are thin, try one of dozens ‘lip plumpers’ that can be purchased in any good cosmetics shop. One additional advice is to paint your lips with a slightly glittery lipstick and apply additional gloss only in middle of the upper and lower lip. Read detailed instructions to perfect lip makeup here.
Simplicity in the nail department
The nails are worn simple this fall/winter. Carefully crafted nail arts, artificial nails and French manicure won’t get you any appreciative looks. The way to go is short (just above your fingertips), one colour, preferably round manicure. A great guide to Essential nail care can be found on our site.
And for last, it’s good to follow trends, but as long as it suits you. Read how not to dress and makeup in our Top ways to look ridiculous post
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