Beauty and Sexy tips

A girl, livin' large, shares her 'wisdom' with the rest of the world. In short: having fun and trying out something new...

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Let your lips talk

Our lips always send out a message, whether they are covered with screaming red lipstick or just a touch of lip balm. The message is for you to compose.

From ancient Egypt to French Guerlain and European Helena Rubinstein women have always loved the feel and look of lipstick.

But, lipstick would never have become so popular if it hadn't been for movie stars from golden Hollywood era. So, today we have lipsticks that don’t smudge, make our lips larger, plumper, moist and sexy. What are you waiting for? Go out there and buy yourself a great lipstick.

How to choose the right one?

One of the ways to determine your perfect lip colour might be your skin tone. If your skin has a bluish glow, pick deep red or purple, but if your skin emits a yellowish aura you can try the warmer side of the palette, choosing red or gold.

Another criteria to watch out for is your hair colour. The general opinion is: pastel pink is for blonds, women with brown hair can wear any shade of red, whilst orange is suitable only for redheads. But, here are some further tips; some well kept professional secrets that will help you to have just perfect lips:

Pink is a very easy to wear colour. It can soften a brunettes face and blends perfectly with fair hair.

If bronze has golden glow it can volumise your lips, and works very good with dark haired women. Golden bronze enhances sun-touched skin. If you have fair skin, try orange-bronze.

Plum colour is perfect for red or dark hair. But beware: if you want to wear this colour, you have to precisely outline your lips, and they shouldn’t be too big.

A classic red is ideal for any hair colour, the only thing to look out for is that screaming red works only with blonds, while redheads should stay away from it.

Now you know which shade fits you perfect. In our next post we’ll teach you how to put lipstick on, and make it stay there.


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